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Battle Reports

2017 GLWL Battle Report

The Date was 4/3/2017 1:05:54

War spreads in a tide of blood and fire as the Realm Gate Wars descend upon the Mortal Realms. Ancient kingdoms vanish as their people are put to the sword under the relentless advance of the darkness that floods the eight realms, those that remain desperately fighting for their very survival. This is the Age of Sigmar!

In a Gifts from the Heavens fight between Shaun Clarke’s Death army had a Major Win against Donnie Goerlitz’s Chaos army. You can still smell the death from the battle near the realm of the South where this great battle took place. It was worthy of the Mortal Realms!

The battle will be written in the books of old as:

Great, tight game! All 12 snakes were dead before I got my second turn, but Nagash and my vampire lord battled across the board, eventually clearing Donnie's objective on a late double-turn.

2017 GLWL Battle Report

The Date was 4/3/2017 8:27:10

War spreads in a tide of blood and fire as the Realm Gate Wars descend upon the Mortal Realms. Ancient kingdoms vanish as their people are put to the sword under the relentless advance of the darkness that floods the eight realms, those that remain desperately fighting for their very survival. This is the Age of Sigmar!

In a Blood and Glory fight between Michael Caldwell’s Chaos army had a Major Win against Mitch Currie’s Chaos army. You can still smell the death from the battle near the realm of the South where this great battle took place. It was worthy of the Mortal Realms!

2017 GLWL Battle Report

The Date was 4/9/2017 0:11:58

War spreads in a tide of blood and fire as the Realm Gate Wars descend upon the Mortal Realms. Ancient kingdoms vanish as their people are put to the sword under the relentless advance of the darkness that floods the eight realms, those that remain desperately fighting for their very survival. This is the Age of Sigmar!

In a Take and Hold fight between Shaun Clarke’s Death army had a Major Win against Mitch Currie’s Chaos army. You can still smell the death from the battle near the realm of the South where this great battle took place. It was worthy of the Mortal Realms!

2017 GLWL Battle Report

The Date was 4/10/2017 21:49:39

War spreads in a tide of blood and fire as the Realm Gate Wars descend upon the Mortal Realms. Ancient kingdoms vanish as their people are put to the sword under the relentless advance of the darkness that floods the eight realms, those that remain desperately fighting for their very survival. This is the Age of Sigmar!

In a Blood and Glory fight between Jake L'Ecuyer’s Chaos army had a Major Win against Al Zielke’s Order army. You can still smell the death from the battle near the realm of the East where this great battle took place. It was worthy of the Mortal Realms!

The battle will be written in the books of old as:

A mighty alpha strike by a chameleon skink contingent and a group of ripperdactyl riders threatened to rip the heart out of the Tzeentch army before the battle had even begun. Alas, fate was not on their side, as the fickle god of change altered the course of time to favor his minions, allowing them to weather the barrage and fight their way out of the strike. A withering hail of magical bolts and guided arrows was the Tzeentch force's response, overwhelming the noble Seraphon, forcing them back into the memories of their venerable Slaan.

2017 GLWL Battle Report

The Date was 4/14/2017 10:23:34

War spreads in a tide of blood and fire as the Realm Gate Wars descend upon the Mortal Realms. Ancient kingdoms vanish as their people are put to the sword under the relentless advance of the darkness that floods the eight realms, those that remain desperately fighting for their very survival. This is the Age of Sigmar!

In a Gifts from the Heavens fight between Michael Caldwell’s Chaos army had a Major Win against Kyle Western’s Death army. You can still smell the death from the battle near the realm of the South where this great battle took place. It was worthy of the Mortal Realms!

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